
Eid/Id Ul Fitr is the most important festival in the Muslim calendar.


Id Ul Fitr is a festival that marks the end of the Ramzan period, and usually falls on a new moon night, in the month of April or May. Ramzan is the ninth month in the Muslim calendar. According to legend, the Holy Koran was revealed in this month. Ramzan is thus regarded as highly auspicious month and fasting and prayers mark it. Muslims keep a fast every day during Ramzan. The rituals associated with Id and Ramzan have remained unchanged for centuries. Muslims through out the world and in India observe fast throughout this month and eat and drink only in the night. All types of entertainments and ceremonies are shunned during this period as it is exclusively meant to dedicate oneself to Allah and show devotion by prayers at all the prescribed times, reciting Quran and celebrating nights with feasts and family get- together.

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